Machining Solutions and Mold Works

ISO 9001 Quality System Implementation


Machining Solutions and Mold Works, located in Dandridge, TN, is sought out by customers to provide highly skilled mold and die repair and metal part fabrication.  The company employs approximately 5 people. 


The company is currently expanding into plastic injection molding and have put in place the infrastructure and experienced personnel to ensure that the new part of their business is as equally successful. With the growth of the company, the owners identified the need for a formal quality management system and calculated that ISO 9001 certification would provide a competitive edge in the new division of plastic injection molding division of their company.  In addition, many of the company's current customers have started to require that their suppliers become ISO 9001 certified. 


The Tennessee MEP (NIST MEP affiliate) Quality Systems Consultant began with an assessment of the organization to identify gaps in the current quality system. From this assessment, a project plan was constructed that would guide the organization throughout the implementation and certification to the ISO 9001 standard. 

This implementation guidance began by assisting in the development of the company's quality manual which included the policy and objectives. The company's processes were identified and procedures were then, written, implemented, and employees were trained on how to follow the procedures. Included in these procedures were document and record control, calibration, corrective and preventative actions, purchasing, shipping, receiving, nonconforming product, and internal audits. 

To prepare the owners for the future of the quality system, they were trained as internal auditors. Prior to the certification audit, a full system internal audit was conducted, corrective actions were issued, and guidance was provided in resolving any nonconformities.


  • $75,000 in increased/retained sales
  • 5 new/retained jobs
  • $20,000 in new products
  • $174,600 in new investments