Advanced Material Business Partner Discovery

Norman UT CIS


“Danny presenting this afternoon on mapping the supply chain. So thankful for his contributions in this important topic.” 
- Joannie Harmon, IACMI Workforce Manager


UT CIS TMEP Advanced Composites Technical Consultant, Danny Norman (pictured above), recently represented TMEP at the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation member meeting in Indianapolis.  Danny demonstrated a scalable approach to engaging manufacturers in Tennessee and across the county in advanced composites. 


The session titled “Business Partner Discovery” is a structured conversation to facilitate discussions among leaders inside and outside the composites industry with the goal of discovering common interests and partnership opportunities. The approach covers a broad range of technical and market topics to build connections between technical experts and business decision makers creating unexpected and exciting collaboration opportunities.

To find out more information about how to participate, please contact your Solutions Consultant or Danny Norman at

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