If your facility generates a corrosive, ignitable, flamable, toxic waste and other listed wastes, you are required to file an annual hazardous waste report with the Division of Solid Waste Management (DSWM). We help these industries understand the requirements to prepare them to submit the annual report due March 1 of each year. Our industry experts can help you avoid common mistakes.
This service is an in-plant offering to our industry customers, when we don't provide a training program open to all customers. We will provide this service if you choose a Lean and Green Assessment.
UT CIS has experienced teams who apply lean analyses to manufacturing operations and identify potential environmental cost-saving opportunities: reduction in use of toxic and/or hazardous materials, reduction in raw materials, reduction in water use, energy conservation, and reduction of solid and hazardous waste generation. We will provide you with the data and assistance to help you complete the Annual Reporting of Hazardous Waste Activities.