Does this sound familiar?
“We struggle just to find good employees. When we do find them, we can’t keep them long enough to get them trained!”
These are among the most common pain points that we hear as we talk to Tennessee manufacturers. Practically all manufacturers in all sectors face the same labor market conditions, the same skills shortages and the same challenges when trying to hire, train and retain talented people to help their businesses succeed. HR teams are trying everything they can think of to fill openings and retain people. The processes you use to recruit, hire, train and retain people are linked together and form a system. Perhaps it’s time to take a fresh look at that system.
It’s an employees’ market, and that doesn’t appear to be changing any time soon. If every manufacturer is facing the same challenges, the question then becomes, what can you do to give yourself a competitive advantage when it comes to finding and keeping the people you need to make your business successful?
Smart Talent Systems (STS) is an employer-based skills development system available exclusively in Tennessee through the University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services (UT CIS). STS uses a systems-thinking approach to help improve your company culture and transform your manufacturing business into a place that consistently attracts and retains top talent, helping you achieve your business goals. STS focuses on job skills training, cognitive learning and continuous improvement elements, all linked together to support a learning culture. STS provides a customized solution that is unique to your organization. There is nothing generic about it – your training program is integrated and embedded into your unique, everyday manufacturing activities.
There are other pain points. Labor market conditions are making it more difficult to find people with higher-level skills. Companies that struggle to upgrade the skills of their leaders at all levels are at a higher risk of losing talented workers. Those companies that strive to continuously improve their workforce systems and put reliable people development strategies in place can tip the scale in their favor when it comes to finding and keeping talent.
If you have trouble attracting, training and retaining people to help your manufacturing company succeed, Smart Talent Systems can help you transform your organization so that your people become a competitive advantage.
We will begin offering training in the Smart Talent Systems approach in August. If you have questions in the meantime, please contact Tim Waldo at (865) 974-3185 or
Visit the Smart Talent Systems webpage
Knoxville | August 9 | Click HERE for more information
Knoxville | August 16 | Click HERE for more information
Knoxville | August 23 | Click HERE for more information
Knoxville | August 30 | Click HERE for more information