(PTAC) Elevator Speech Part I

You can do it! Become the small business that contracting officers want to hear.

It's a familiar scene: What if you suddenly found yourself on an elevator with a contracting officer, an elected official, or some other a potential government customer? Can you quickly deliver what makes you unique from your competitors? As a vendor or supplier, you want to make a good first impression. Simply put, you need an Elevator Speech. An Elevator Speech is 120 seconds or less, that describes your expertise or that of your company. An Elevator Speech is as essential as a business card.

Is this workshop for you or a colleague? A GREAT OPPORTUNITY to learn how to develop a new elevator speech for your business OR improve and polish your existing one. 

Benefits to Attendees

  • Achieve great results for you and your business

  • Learn how to promote yourself and your business

  • Develop your new and improved elevator speech

  • Understand how you can flexibly use this in different situations

In Part II of Elevator Speech on February 12th, you will have the opportunity to deliver your Elevator Speech in front of a panel of judges. Past judges include representatives from the Veterans Administration, Nashville Business Incubation Center, and Metropolitan Nashville Business Office.

$ 0.00

02/05/2019 - 9:00 AM - 02/05/2019 - 12:00 PM
Contact: Veronica Clark, 615-253-6381
193 Polk Avenue, Suite C, Nashville, TN 37210 , Nashville ,
Registration Link: REGISTER HERE