The Tennessee Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) provides beginner to advanced training on how to market your good and services to procurement officials statewide. Topics include:
Attendees learn how contracting with the federal government can open the door to many opportunities for small business and can aid in a company’s growth. This seminar covers the basics of government contracting, what it takes to be a government contractor, and an overview of the steps to get started
Attendees learn how to do business with the government in this comprehensive three-hour course that reviews the entire federal procurement process, from start to finish. The introductory course outlines everything you need to know about government contracting, and how to be successful in today’s procurement marketplace
This interactive 2-hour course will teach you what you need to know in handling government-contracting challenges. Designed for individuals who are beyond the basics, this seminar will help expand your understanding of the complex rules in government contracting. Participate alongside other seasoned professionals as you dive deeper into crucial contracting issues, discussing real world examples and practical solutions.
The course provides in-depth references on how to market your products and services, government market research, joint venture and teaming arrangements, government acquisition regulations, GSA Schedules, proposal development and pricing strategies, and much more. Government Contracting 201 is a good foundation for going to the next level in government contracting. The training with help you:
Who should attend?
Learn about GSA Federal Supply Service Contracts in a workshop environment designed to assist small businesses in obtaining a GSA Schedule. Enhance your understanding of how GSA Schedules are used in the Federal Acquisition process.
What if you suddenly found yourself on an elevator with a contracting officer, an elected official, or some other a potential government customer?
Can you quickly deliver what makes you unique from your competitors?
As a vendor or supplier, you want to make a good first impression. Simply put, you need an Elevator Speech. An Elevator Speech is 120 seconds or less, that describes your expertise or that of your company. An Elevator Speech is as essential as a business card.
Is this workshop for you or a colleague? This is a great opportunity to learn how to develop a new elevator speech for your business OR improve and polish your existing one. Benefits to attendees include developing your new and improved elevator speech and understanding how you can flexibly use this in different situations.
In Part II of Elevator Speech, you will have the opportunity to deliver your Elevator Speech in front of a panel of judges. Judges includes representatives from the Small Business Administration, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Tennessee Small Business Development Center.
Attendees learn how to minimize the risk of a company’s inside threats, controlling unclassified information and determining what information to pass on to subcontracts.
Attendees will learn how to develop compliance matrices, outlines, storyboards, how to write proposals effectively and efficiently, and how to differentiate your proposals from your competition.
Attendees learn how to ensure their solicitations and contracts stay in compliance with federal regulations.
Attendees learn how to do business with local and federal agencies and how to apply for various certifications.
Construction Opportunities Conference, 2018
Elevator Speech Training, 2018
Cybersecurity Training, 2018
Please call 615-253-6381 to speak with Veronica Clark, Procurement Consultant, or click HERE to contact your local PTAC Counselor.