From Floppy Disks to Dynamic Hub for Industrial Services: Celebrating 60 Years of UT CIS with Keith Ridley, Director of Environmental Health & Safety


From Floppy Disks to Dynamic Hub for Industrial Services: Celebrating 60 Years of UT CIS with Keith Ridley, Director of Environmental Health & Safety 

Introducing EHS Coffee Conversations


UT CIS is excited to introduce a series of open Zooms that allow you to speak with our Energy Efficiency & Environmental Management Consultant, Lynn Reed as well as our

Nominations Open for Governor's Environmental Stewardship Awards


Each year, the Governor's Environmental Stewardship Awards honor outstanding accomplishments that support the protection and enhancement of Tennessee's natural resources.

No-Cost Environment & Energy Assistance for Food Manufacturers


UT Center for Industrial Services (UT CIS) wants to help food manufacturers across the state identify environmental and energy savings opportunities at their facilities.

Environmental Management for 2022


The new year 2022 is only a few weeks away and it's time to start thinking about environmental goals for the coming year.

Implementing A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan


Material handling and storage, equipment maintenance and cleaning, and other activities at industrial facilities are often exposed to the weather.

What Makes a Good Pretreatment Program?


By Dr. Larry Moore, UT CIS Consultant

UT Center for Industrial Services EHS Services


Lean and Green Assessment

UT CIS has experienced teams who apply lean analyses to

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