2024 TCED Course Schedule

TN Economic Development Basic Finance Course / March 6 - 7 / Murfreesboro

This one-and-a-half-day course focuses on the variety of development finance tools available in Tennessee, from bonds, tax credits, PILOT and TIF, to federal financing programs, revolving loan funds and access to capital lending resources. Through case studies, course participants will explore the pros and cons of utilizing the various tools in the economic development finance toolbox.  

Click HERE to learn more.

TN Basic Economic Development Course (TBEDC) / May 6 - 9 / Nashville

The TN Basic Economic Development Course (TBEDC) is a four-day comprehensive course, accredited by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), focuses on the fundamental concepts, tools and practices needed to be successful in today’s complex economic environment.

Click HERE to learn more.

TN Workforce Development Course / June 12 - 13 / Jackson

This one-and-a-half-day course is designed to help economic development practitioners, government officials and other community leaders at state, regional and local levels understand best practices, available resources and partnership approaches to building a competitive workforce.

Click HERE to learn more.

AI & Cybersecurity: What you need to know / July 24 / Virtual

In this half-day elective course, attendees will learn from experts about AI's transformative potential on productivity, innovation and economic growth. The course will also address common concerns surrounding AI and provide a roadmap for integrating it effectively and responsibly. 

Click HERE to learn more.

TN Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development Course / August 21 - 22 / Chattanooga

This one-and-a-half day course will explore the economic impact of small businesses on local and regional economies; needs of entrepreneurs and small businesses and available resources to assist them; effective networks and strategies to support entrepreneurship and small business development.

Click HERE to learn more.

The Art of Effective Economic Development Facilitation / October 1 / Nashville 

This one day course is designed to help strengthen your facilitation skills and effectiveness in leading essential activities in economic development. Course topics include managing community and stakeholder meetings, driving collaborative initiatives and advancing economic development projects.

Click HERE to learn more.

TN Business Retention and Expansion / November 19-20 / Knoxville

This one-and-a half-day course focuses on how to develop, implement and evaluate an effective retention and expansion program. Course topics include promoting existing businesses, addressing sudden and unexpected losses of major employers, and the importance of retooling both the workplace and workforce.

Click HERE to learn more.