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How Can Our Team Help?

The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services provides consulting solutions to help companies improve and grow. The UT CIS philosophy is to assess the company needs and provide only services that are value added. We utilize the most experienced consultants and most recent technologies. Resources with industry experience and University professors are available through the coordination of CIS Solutions Consultants as needed.

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Recent Posts

Manufacturers, Are You Ready For This?

By UT CIS Workforce Consultant, Tim Waldo / Originally posted on Tim Waldo's LinkedIn Blog How quickly things change. These days, we can certainly add…how often things change. The common belief is that change is difficult and…

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Gibson Brands Begins TWI Journey

  by Solutions Consultant, Norma Wilcox Gibson Brands, headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, has shaped the sounds of generations of musicians for years. Gibson has a legacy of world-class craftsmanship and progressive…

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OSHA: Making 2020 Safer

By Bryan Lane, UT CIS OSHA Consultant If your new year’s resolutions for 2020 include making your workplace safer and more OSHA-compliant, please keep in mind that UT CIS offers services that could help you achieve this…

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Opportunity to Serve on Baldrige Board of Examiners

The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, the nation's public-private partnership dedicated to improving the performance of U.S. organizations, is seeking candidates for the board of examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige…

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TCED Reflections and Updates for 2020

By Kim K. Denton, CEcD, TCED Director The Tennessee Certified Economic Developer (TCED) Program is finishing the year strong, having delivered seven courses to 235 participants across the state.  New for 2020 is the TN…

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Upskill901 Workforce Summit

by Michael Codega, Solutions Consultant The Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce hosted a one-day conference on October 22nd called Upskill901.  The conference was attended by over 100 regional government officials,…

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