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We invite you to join CONNEX™ Tennessee, a cloud-based platform, which allows all Tennessee manufacturers to visualize supply chain risk, search for qualified suppliers, and discover new business opportunities.Click "Discover More" below to get started today!

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How Can Our Team Help?

The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services provides consulting solutions to help companies improve and grow. The UT CIS philosophy is to assess the company needs and provide only services that are value added. We utilize the most experienced consultants and most recent technologies. Resources with industry experience and University professors are available through the coordination of CIS Solutions Consultants as needed.

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Solutions Consultants UT CIS



Recent Posts

Customer Highlight: Skilled Workforce

  “Over the next decade nearly three and a half million manufacturing jobs likely need to be filled. The skills gap is expected to result in two million of those jobs going unfilled,” reads The Manufacturing Institute’s…

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UT CIS Training and Services Catalog

We are excited to announce that the UT CIS 2019-2020 Training and Services Catalog is now available! Descriptions of all of our training courses, assessments and reviews are now in one place.  View the PDF at http://bit.ly/…

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Food Manufacturing Lunch and Learn

UT Center for Industrial Services (UT CIS) wants to help food manufacturers across the state identify environmental and energy savings opportunities at their facilities. Our team believes that by identifying these opportunities,…

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2019 East Tennessee Business Growth Conference

Written by Melissa Valerio  The 2019 East Tennessee Business Growth Conference was held on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 in Clinton, Tennessee. The event brought together some 147 small businesses.  The conference…

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2 Months and 50 Counties: 2019 Forums Completed

  The UT CIS Economic Development team, in partnership with TNECD, has successfully completed the coordination and facilitation of fifty ThreeStar Asset-Based Planning forums in fifty counties across Tennessee. This was…

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Small Business Innovation Research Forum Coming to Tennessee

Each year, Federal agencies spend over $1 Billion in Research and Development (R&D) through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program. Come to the SBIR/STTR Technology…

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