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How Can Our Team Help?

The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services provides consulting solutions to help companies improve and grow. The UT CIS philosophy is to assess the company needs and provide only services that are value added. We utilize the most experienced consultants and most recent technologies. Resources with industry experience and University professors are available through the coordination of CIS Solutions Consultants as needed.

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Solutions Consultants UT CIS



Recent Posts

Introducing Smart Talent Systems

Does this sound familiar? “We struggle just to find good employees. When we do find them, we can’t keep them long enough to get them trained!” These are among the most common pain points that we hear as we talk to Tennessee…

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ISO 9001 is more than just a certification – it’s a commitment to excellence. As the gold standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS) worldwide, ISO 9001 underlines an organization’s pledge to deliver impeccable quality…

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Per Vivo Labs and UT PTAC

Founded in 2012, Per Vivo Labs, Inc. seeks to solve complex problems with simple solutions.  In 2015, the company engaged the U.S Army Research Lab, Aberdeen Proving Ground regarding a product patent developed in their Lab.…

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Tier II Reporting Team Continues to Spread Awareness

The UT CIS team has continued traveling across the state to spread awareness of Tier II Reporting. Tier II reports are used by the Tennessee Emergency Management Association (TEMA), county emergency managers, first…

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UT CIS Ready to Connect Manufacturers to Powerful Material Evaluation Equipment

  The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services signed a contract this month with the UT Center for Materials Processing.  Now small manufacturers can access essential technologies for nondestructive…

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Chattanooga Open Enrollments 2019


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