
Higher Education Day 2024: UT & CIS

As a federally designated land-grant institution, The University of Tennessee system has a three-fold mission of instruction, research and public service.Responsibility for this third function, in all areas except agriculture,…

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UT CIS Hosts 18th Annual TBEDC in Nashville

The 18th Annual Tennessee Basic Economic Development Course (TBEDC), hosted by the UT Center for Industrial Services, took place in Nashville from May 6th to May 9th this year. We were pleased to welcome forty-six participants,…

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TN Workforce Development Academy – Coming Soon!

The Economic Development team at the University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services (UT CIS) is developing a Workforce Development Academy in order to help bridge the gap between workforce and economic development. …

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Military Appreciation Month: East TN AJC Veteran Services

In 1999, Congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month to ensure the nation was given the chance to publicly show their appreciation for troops past and present.  It serves as a reminder of the profound…

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UT Center for Industrial Services Certifies New Economic Developers

The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services (UT CIS) recently graduated the 19th class of its Tennessee Certified Economic Developer (TCED) Program.  This cohort brings the total number of Tennessee certified…

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Lean Assistance Helps Enhance Production of Small Scale Farming Tools

Farmers Friend LLC is a company located in Centerville, Tennessee. The business focuses on providing innovative tools and equipment designed to meet the everyday demands of small-scale farming. Their product lineup includes…

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For Media Inquiries, Contact Hannah Holder at (865) 809-4242 or
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