
UT-RMC Presents MARCON 2019

  UT Center for Industrial Services will be hosting an informational booth at the 23rd Annual Reliability and Maintainability Conference in Knoxville on March 4-7. This conference is unlike any other you will attend this…

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800,000 missing more than their paychecks

Written by Tim Waldo, UT CIS Workforce Development Consultant Originally posted on… Jobs matter. If you’ve ever been without one, you know the…

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Lean for Success: Going Beyond the Tools

Achieve Sustainable Continuous Improvement in Your Organization By Dan Brown, independent consultant, UT CIS There are very few companies who have not dabbled in Lean since 1990, the year that “The Machine that Changed the…

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I See What You're Saying...Maybe

Originally posted on Workforce Development Specialist Tim Waldo's LinkedIn page. We can’t find people with basic soft skills! This seems to be among the top three challenges regularly reported by manufacturers everywhere. By…

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Economic Development Practitioners Complete UT Training Course

More than 50 economic development professionals from Tennessee and 10 other states graduated from the 12th annual Tennessee Basic Economic Development Course (TBEDC) on May 10 in Nashville. This week-long course is one of 10…

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Asset Based Planning Initiative Continues

During the months of April and May, UT CIS facilitated follow up meetings with the 23 distressed counties that participated in the Asset Based Planning (ABP) community forums in 2016.   Representatives from UT CIS, the…

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