Jump Start Your Year with TCED


UT CIS is kicking off another year of quality training with a strong line-up of Tennessee Certified Economic Developer (TCED) courses.

UT CIS Joins IEDC in Celebrating Economic Development Week


UT CIS joined the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) in celebrating Economic

TCED Alumni Highlight: Dennis Tumlin


Dennis Tumlin

UT Center for Industrial Services Certifies New Economic Developers

Body TCED Class 2021

UT CIS Awarded $1 Million to Support Tennessee Manufacturing Resiliency Initiative


The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services (UT CIS) has been awarded a $1 million grant to implement the Tennessee Manufacturing Resiliency Initiative, a statewide effort to en

TN PTAC Helps ARCS Aviation Win SBIR/STTR Contract Award

UT PTAC Client Wins Fourth Department of Defense SBIR Award


When Barjes Alotaibi retired from his second career as a Chief Pilot, he knew his contribution to the world was far from over. Alotaibi’s first career had been that

UT CIS’s EDA University Center Surveying Counties


The UT CIS Economic Development Team is surveying economic development leaders in Tennessee’s distressed and at-risk counties about the impacts that the

UT CIS Economic Development Services


Professional Development for Economic and Community Development Practitioners

  • The T
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