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How Can Our Team Help?

The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services provides consulting solutions to help companies improve and grow. The UT CIS philosophy is to assess the company needs and provide only services that are value added. We utilize the most experienced consultants and most recent technologies. Resources with industry experience and University professors are available through the coordination of CIS Solutions Consultants as needed.

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Recent Posts

A Better Workplace, A Better World

Nashville, TN (July, 2017) - In a recent article about The World's Broken Workplace, Gallup’s World Poll reports that many people across the globe hate their job and especially their boss. This has a significant impact on…

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The Other Values In An Apprenticeship​​

Knoxville, TN (June, 2017) More jobs are available in this country than people to fill those jobs. This reality is driving a national conversation, highlighted this month by national Workforce Development Week. It is encouraging…

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East Tennessee Small Business Growth Confere​nce has Successful Turnout: 278 Small Businesses Network for Matchmaking Opportunities

Nashville, TN (February, 2017) - Small businesses comprise roughly half of private-sector employment in this country. By pursuing and landing contracts with government sectors, small businesses are able to diversify revenue…

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Equipping Tennessee’s Automotive Emerging Leaders in the Appalachian Region: UT Center for Industrial Services Receives ARC Grant

Nashville, TN (March, 2017) - The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services (UT CIS) is developing initiatives related to a recent Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) grant awarded through the office of Tennessee…

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A Race to Replace: Replacing Steel For Composites Will Make Cars More Efficient! - Forbes

Nashville, TN (December, 2016) - "For years, automakers have longed for a vehicle that possesses the strength of steel without the weight that drives down fuel efficiency. New composite materials could be the answer, but getting…

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Ch..ch..ch..changes for CIS

Nashville, TN (July, 2016) - UT Center for Industrial Services Announces Hirings, Promotions The UT Center for Industrial Services (CIS) announces the hiring of several new employees to serve the needs of Tennessee business and…

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