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How Can Our Team Help?

The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services provides consulting solutions to help companies improve and grow. The UT CIS philosophy is to assess the company needs and provide only services that are value added. We utilize the most experienced consultants and most recent technologies. Resources with industry experience and University professors are available through the coordination of CIS Solutions Consultants as needed.

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Recent Posts

An Inspired Workforce – A Strategy for Small Manufacturers - Part Three

January 23, 2018 - In rapidly changing workplace environments, a pressing challenge for all manufacturers is to explore ways to get most, if not all, of their people contributing their best efforts. There are unique…

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An Inspired Workforce – A Challenge for Small Manufacturers - Part Two

January 18, 2018 - At least half of American workers are not engaged enough to even attempt to achieve better than average results at their work. There are a host of reasons that small manufacturers must take this seriously. We…

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A Note from Our Executive Director, Dr. Paul H. Jennings

January 22, 2018 - Happy 2018! UTCIS had a record breaking 2017. We assisted 650 companies, trained 5,000 people and facilitated $1.6 billion in customer reported economic impact (capital investment, increased sales, and…

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If You Don’t Build It, They Won’t Come

September, 2017 - Ten years after Gary Pasano wrote about the importance of manufacturing in U.S. innovation, manufacturing still isn’t addressed in early stage tech transfer conversations. Here’s how technology transfer…

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Tennesseans Benefit From UT CIS

Knoxville, TN (September, 2017) - Every organization has that person or that team that works behind the scenes, making things happen, diligently focused on helping the team succeed with little or no fanfare. At one point in my…

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The Human Side of Manufacturing

Nashville, TN (August, 2017) - I occasionally start reading a book that I can’t put down until I finish. Factory Man: How One Furniture Maker Battled Offshoring, Stayed Local--And Helped Save An American Town, written by Beth…

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